Sunday, November 12, 2017

Grand Solar Minimum & Geoengineering

A very clear picture is emerging of the not-too-distant future. A new Grand Solar Minimum which 'they' have been trying to prevent using geoengineering.

Sounds mad, doesn't it?

Here, some NASA documents from 1966, in an article which itself dates from 2014:

Here's an interview on CBS (barf!) from 2013, with the once-omnipresent physicist Dr Michio Kaku, admitting that they're firing trillion watt lasers (I kid you not) into the sky to bring about rain or lightening:

Much more about geoengineering on this blog, if you scan back a few years. I couldn't believe then that people weren't taking any notice of the huge abnormal white streaks in the sky! Now I've largely given up trying to convince anyone of anything - people have to wake up in their own time.

Unfortunately, if this GSM is true, and bearing down on us, they aren't going to make it...

Oh, BTW, thanks to Adapt 2030 for some invaluable information! Here's his latest:

(Some good comments)

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