Monday, December 11, 2017

Distributed Ledger Technology

So, with enough distractions to keep even the most avid dot-connector busy, the blockchain continues to be rolled out. Incredible how much information is out there when you start digging into it, but you wouldn't know it from the MSM.

Here we see that 'Satoshi Nakamoto' (whom Bix Weir thinks is Alan Greenspan - makes sense) first thought of the idea in 2007. I doubt 'Satoshi' worked alone, and according to Edmund J Dunne, the rash of banker 'suicides' was linked to the early development of this technology. Edmund says that he invented DLT to solve the corruption in the banking system, to atone for their evil actions. Makes sense they tried to kill him - à la 'Gold Warriors' and the burying alive of the engineers in the Philippines, the ones who knew where the loot was buried.

EJD was on the run in Ireland, (and I offered him shelter here), having worked for Barclays, and feared for his life - his tweets have now been removed and I have no further news. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Barclays were up to their necks in dirty dealings, given their Apartheid history.

Quinn Michaels thinks Satoshi Nakamoto might, in fact, be AI: so that the whole new financial system was designed by computers - a less convincing argument, but worth keeping in the back of one's mind.

Anyway, someone wants this new financial system to be brought in, and quick, and I can't help thinking that it's very much linked to a major catastrophic event, which is dead ahead. GSM, or man-made 'GSM' being two likely contenders. The early adopters will be able to rise from the ashes, phoenix-like, after the event. The connection to The Economist 1988 magazine cover, predicting a global currency by 2018, is not lost on me.

Either way, hold on to your hats and don't get distracted!

NB Bitcoin was at $689 when I bookmarked this link - now it's at $16,466! Nosebleed territory, or just getting started?

Just seen this pertinent new post from my old chum Jared - there's no such thing as a coincidence:

Interesting times ahead.

PS Another major catastrophic event that they could lay on for us could be a nuclear war - global or 'limited'. Let's not forget that they're eugenicists, and a few million dead here or a few million dead there would not bother them. Believe it or don't believe it, it's up to you:

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