Sunday, March 25, 2018

Missing Money

How much? Wow!

Pretty pointless pointing this utter corruption out, especially as it goes all the way to the top - the masses are far too busy being distracted and hating each other. Ho-hum.

Anyway here is an interview with someone credible, authentic and sincere, who explains all about the missing money:

I hope he doesn't take any small planes anywhere...

Thursday, March 8, 2018

World War Three

"Who could have known?"


Well, quite a few of us, actually:

PS Should be a good enough excuse for the stock market failure and the resulting moon-shot in PMs? Consolidation of Government power using existing COG legislation, (backed up by the Military, natch); food issued by ration books; new crack-downs on free speech, tightened 'security', etc, etc.

Eventually to be followed by a new ecological revolution (once 85% of us are out of the way, six foot under).

Let's take a guess: on 11/3? Or 22/3, one of their favourite numbers?

Up-date: maybe not on 11/3, but it's getting closer if you join the dots: the drums of war are beating louder...